Our Supporters
WCCS is supported through the generosity of the institutions and community groups mentioned here.

On behalf of the individuals that they have helped and will help in the future, we give our heartfelt thanks.
- Albert & Bettie Sacchi Foundation
- BCM Foundation
- Belsito Foundation
- Blue Shield of California Foundation
- The Home Depot Foundation
- In-N-Out Burger Foundation
- Macy’s, Inc.
- Mary Kay Foundation
- Muller Family Foundation
- The Rose Hills Foundation
- The Sacchi Foundation
- SkyRose Chapel Foundation
- Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
- Whittier Methodist Foundation
- MarkTaper Foundation
- Taproot Foundation
- Target Foundation
- Walmart Foundation
- Weingart Foundation
- Women’s Foundation
- City of Pico Rivera
- City of Whittier
Civic Groups
Companies and Corporations
- Credit Union of Southern California
- Shelter’s Right Hand
- So Cal Edison Corporate Headquarters
- Puente Hills Subaru Share the Love Event
- Wells Fargo
- Oltman’s Construction Company