
We believe that everyone has the right to a violence-free environment; that violence, be it physical, actual or threatened, emotional or psychological, has no place in healthy relationships. We are dedicated to helping the victims at whatever stage they find themselves.

Women’s & Children’s Crisis Shelter is committed to providing safety, shelter, and hope to victims of domestic violence.





For Those In Need

Emergency Lifeline

Our lifeline offers crisis assistance, safety planning, information, and referrals to service providers throughout Los Angeles County.


Our confidential 45-day stay emergency shelter offers a safe and secure place of refuge and recovery for victims of domestic violence and their children.

Walk-In Services

We offer walk-in domestic violence support services for survivors, such as crisis intervention, safety planning, and case management. We also offer domestic violence support group, parenting, and life-skills classes.


How You Can Help

Make a Donation

Help support our mission and consider making a contribution today, via cash or resources.

Learn More 

Learn more about our work and impact by checking out our Annual Reports, including our recent one for 2023-2024.

Contact Us

Reach out to us with any questions or comments by calling or emailing us.

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