Supportive Services

Walk-In Supportive Services
WCCS offers walk-in domestic violence supportive services for survivors, such as crisis intervention, safety planning, and case management. We assist survivors in creating self-sufficiency plans and assist with financial, legal, medical, and housing advocacy to overcome barriers to independence. We also assist with temporary restraining orders, accompaniments, and help filing victims of crime compensation applications. We also offer domestic violence support group, parenting, and life-skills classes.
Onsite Crisis Response
The organization provides onsite 24/7 in-person crisis intervention to local hospitals, crime scenes, and police stations. Certified domestic violence counselors will provide emotional support, information, law enforcement advocacy, safety plan, and referrals to victims.
Community Education
For those interested in learning about domestic violence, the outreach program provides presentations to various stakeholders: professionals, civic groups, social workers, parents, students, and community members. Topics include but are not limited to: domestic violence 101, healthy relationship skills, domestic violence resources available. We will tailor topics that the group is interested in.
Youth Prevention
Prevention Advocates in partnership with high schools, colleges and non-profits work to provide healthy relationship workshops to the youth ages 13-18 and youth ages 18-24.